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Международный отдел
Программы учебного сотрудничества
Программы научного сотрудничества
Международный совет по сотрудничеству
International Council
Forest Summer School 2018
International Council in Forestry Higher Education professional training in the Finno-Ugric Countries and the Russian Federation regions

This network was established in August 2009 to share the best experiences in forestry and timber industry issues and to improve education, research, business and the state governing authorities' cooperation among the participants of the Council, which may definitely influence the quality of professional forestry education.

Higher educational institutions have become today the centers which attract and unite research, business, training and governing structures and are supposed to accumulate new innovative ideas, create new knowledge, assist in problematic issues solutions.

Finno-Ugric world is quite active in carrying out joint activities which are aimed at keeping the unique social-cultural traditions, ethnographic and linguistic peculiarities of its peoples, the International Council is supposed to become an international platform for sharing professional experiences and problem discussions dealing with the Forest cluster issues, as forest used to be the basic part of life and culture of the Finno-Ugric people.

International Council's structure:

  • The Council members are two representatives from each institution or organization;
  • Secretariat is coordinating all the activities and is located in Syktyvkar (at SFI);
  • The Council is held once a year, where the hosting Institution is heading the event;
  • Thematic groups, named by the Council, prepare the problematic issues considered at the Council's discussions;
  • Participation in the Council is free and voluntary.

Basic documents of the Council:

  • General Agreement;
  • Articles of the International Council;
  • Provisions of the Secretariat.

Invited International Council participants:

Contact Information


29.03.2017 Students’ International Round Table discussion «World around us»

23.05.2016 Students’ International Round Table discussion «Studies and lectures at university in Russia and Germany»

25.04.2016 Students’ International Round Table discussion “Social networks as a communication tool”

25.11.2015 Students’ International Round Table discussion “National cuisines, meals and health”

15.04.2015 Students’ International Round Table discussion “Education in the contemporary world”

17.12.2014 Students’ International Round Table discussion “Mobility and tourism”

29.10.2014 Students’ International Round Table discussion “Science – is easy, isn’t it?!”

26.05.2014 Students’ International Round Table discussion “Sustainable management in natural resources, regional development and ecology”

20.03.2014 Students’ International Round Table discussion “Traditions and customs in Russia (Komi) and Germany”

6.12.2013 Student’s International Round Table discussion “Climate change – a human made problem?”

9.10.2013 Students’ International Round Table discussion “The world needs Science. The science needs us”

10.12.2012 Video conference "Spatial planning and management of the nature protected areas located on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Komi Republic and Sweden"

23.04.2012 Video conference "Integrated land-use planning for conservation and sustainable use of landscapes in the Barents Region toward international multi-sector and multi-level collaboration"

27.04.2011 Video conference "Forms of cooperation between higher educational institutions and business in the forest cluster"

07.04.2010 Video conference: "Innovations in the forest sector"

21.08.2009 Video conference "Professional forestry training: International experience, cooperation perspectives and training services quality improvement"

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